Harvest Bible Chapel


About Us

Harvest is a Gospel-loving, non-denominational, elder-governed church committed to making disciples who make disciples. We believe God’s Word and teach it. Our worship is contemporary and strives to bring God’s people into His presence, not a performance. We seek to love Jesus and love others in our body and community in thoughtful and intentional ways.

Harvest Bible Chapel Barbados seeks to glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission. It was founded in 2017 by Derek and Sheron who, after two years of assessments and training, launched into unchartered waters and planting a church on the outskirts of Bridgetown Barbados.

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In July 2015, through a divine appointment, Pastor Derek met a gentleman by the name of Kenyatta Lewis who was serving at the time as the Director of Church Planting in the Caribbean for Harvest Bible Fellowship (now Vertical Church Network).  This was the genesis of a Vertical Church being planting in Barbados.  After much discussion with Kenyatta and serious exploration of HBF, Derek and Sheron followed the call to be church planters.

In August of 2016 Derek and Sheron moved to Chicago to go through the Harvest Church Planting Training Center to be trained as church planters.  After four months in training they travelled to Columbus Ohio and Philadelphia Pennslyvania to complete a month of internship with Pastors Luke Ahrens and Matt Townsend respectively.

They returned to Barbados at the end of January 2017 to engage in probably the hardest ministry exploit of their lives – church planting. The church was officially launched on Sunday September 24th 2017 with 271 persons in attendance.

Harvest Bible Chapel Barbados has joined forces with a fellowship of like-minded churches across the Caribbean and the world including St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Turks and Caicos Islands and Haiti to plant another church-planting church.

Harvest Barbados is an affiliate of the GREAT COMMISSION COLLECTIVE

The GCC is an international family of churches and strategic partners that exist to glorify God by planting, strengthening, and multiplying Great Commission churches around the world.
The Great Commission Collective (GCC) was formed in 2017 as an independent, non-profit association with a passion for Jesus Christ and a mission to act on His vision to build His church. The GC Collective plants churches and builds relationships among church leaders that edify, protect, encourage, and support.

Each GCC church is an elder-governed church that has no central office above and beyond the local congregation. The GC Collective intentionally seeks to influence by relationship, not by mandate.

When a new church is planted, the GC Collective acts as overseers of the new church in its first 12 months after public launch. After that year, the church’s senior pastor and the GC Collective choose elders from within the local congregation.